2022: Reaching Out – Crisis Response and the Implementation of 988
- Overview of crisis care in California leading to the launch of the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
- Challenges and opportunities for successful implementation of 988 in California
- Working with populations with complex needs to reduce crises and limit justice involvement
2019: Outcomes Matter – Diversion that Works!
- Prioritizing youth mental health to get to intercept zero in the diversion model
- Lessons from California and Oregon on prioritizing trust and collaboration to reduce criminal justice involvement for people experiencing homelessness
- Recommendations and innovative solutions from across the state to decriminalize mental illness
2018: Building Resilience and Promoting Successful Outcomes
- Challenges, opportunities, and proven strategies for supporting the behavioral health needs of first responders and custody officials
- Overview of improvements made by the Department of State Hospitals to better support the Incompetent to Stand Trial population
- Solutions from jurisdictions to fuel innovation through collaboration, tools, and technical support
2017: Moving from Innovation to Sustainability
- Best practices in juvenile justice highlighting examples of innovative programs statewide
- Findings and recommendations from the MHSOAC to prevent/reduce criminal justice involvement for people with mental illness
- Insights from conversations with experts and first adapters, including changing the conversation on law enforcement response to mental health crises
2016: Improving Collaboration and Outcomes with Data-Driven Decision-Making
- Best-practices and tips from four counties on strategic data-gathering and reporting to improve services and outcomes
- Mentally Ill Offender Crime Reduction (MIOCR) Grants best practices from counties implementing adult programs
- Expert insights and lessons learned on key topics impacting the field, featuring HIPAA compliance
2008: Strategies for Successful Community Integration and Reducing Recidivism
- Challenges and strategies for successful reentry, and the role of community support and services to reduce recidivism
- Strategies for strengthening collaboration among corrections, law enforcement, the judiciary, counties, and community providers
- Opportunities for more effectively meeting the needs of special populations, including youth
2005: Unpacking the Four Components of Effective Jail Diversion
- Emerging solutions to the growing challenge of people with mental illness becoming involved with the criminal justice system and cycling in and out of jail
- Focusing on four key areas for effective jail diversion
- Lessons learned from Washington State Partners in Crisis (WAPIC)